Rotatepic Puzzle

Solved rotatepic puzzle 11x11
Unsolved rotatepic puzzle 11x11
Rotatepic puzzle 7x7
Solved rotatepic puzzle 8x8

This puzzle involves restoring a large image that has been divided into square mini-image cells. Each cell is randomly rotated by 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees at the start. Your task is to rotate all mini-image cells to return them to their correct orientation and recreate the original image.

The puzzle can be navigated and manipulated using various controls. With the keyboard, you can use the arrow keys to navigate to a cell and Space or PageDown (or PageUp) to rotate it clockwise (or counter-clockwise). The cells may be similarly navigated and rotated with PlayStation controller. For mouse users, clicking on a cell rotates it clockwise or anti-clockwise depending on the mouse button used.

Rotate all mini-image cells to restore the original image.