Atomix Puzzle

Atomix generated Glycerin level
Atomix generated Glycerin level (solved)
Atomix original Glycerin level
Atomix original Glycerin level (solved)
Atomix generated bonus level
Atomix generated bonus level (solved room)
Atomix generated Ethanol level
Atomix original Water level

Atomix is a puzzle game where you construct complete molecules, ranging from simple to highly complex, by arranging isolated atoms scattered among walls and other obstacles.

When you push an atom in a direction, it moves until it collides with an object that halts its motion - this could be a wall or another atom. This mechanic makes Atomix challenging and engaging, as careful planning is required to organize your molecule correctly.

There are also bonus levels where the colored numbered atoms are used instead of the chemical atoms. The player must guess the correct number structure and arrange these atoms into it.

Build a complete molecule from atoms. Press Enter to select atoms.